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Meloy, Maile Liars and Saints ISBN 13 : 9780719566448

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9780719566448: Liars and Saints
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Chapter One

They were married during the war, in Santa Barbara, after Mass one morning in the old Mission church. Teddy was solemn; he took the Mass very seriously. Yvette, in a veiled hat and an ivory dress that wasn't a gown, was distracted by the idea that she was in California, without her father there to give her away, and she was about to change her life and her name. "I, Yvette Grenier, take you, Theodore Santerre..." It all sounded formal and strange, as if someone else were saying the words, until she realized with surprise that it was her.

It was a quick wedding so Teddy could ship out, but they went two days later to a dance at the beach club, where she met Teddy's commanding officer at the bar.

"You can't leave this girl so soon," the officer said, looking at Yvette. She was wearing the ivory dress she was married in, because it had taken a long time to make it, and she wasn't going to wear it just once. It suited her, she knew -- it set off her slimness and the way her dark hair curled under at her shoulders -- and she blushed at how the officer looked at her.

Teddy said, "Sir?"

The officer laughed, and shook Teddy's hand again, and said congratulations on the wedding, and then Teddy was able to smile.

They both thought the CO was only joking, but he wasn't. He assigned Teddy to a squadron training at home, so he could stay a few months with Yvette. The Marine Corps put the new couple up at the Biltmore with the rest of the officers -- the guests had all fled inland, afraid of bombing -- and they went to cocktails and tea dances, and were together every night. By the time Teddy left to fight the Japanese, Yvette was pregnant with Margot.

She didn't tell her family about the baby right away. They were back in Canada, too expensive to call, and she didn't want to hear what they would say. Her father and brothers had said she was crazy to marry that flyboy -- he was an American, even if he had a Canadian name, and he didn't speak French. They would be poor as sin on his military pay, and then Teddy would just get himself killed and leave her stranded in California with nothing -- or worse, with a baby. Yvette thought they were being unfair. She couldn't please her father unless she stayed at home forever, and she couldn't do that.

With Teddy out in the Pacific, fighting in the war, she tried to read Hitler's hateful little book, to make sense of it. But the book made her angry, and she didn't see how the Japanese fit in, so she put it away. She was happiest when Teddy came home on leave, and they could go dancing and then stay up all night, in bed in the little rented apartment she'd moved to from the Biltmore. Teddy joked that sex made her talkative, instead of sleepy like normal people, but he would listen anyway, watching her and smiling in the dark. Sometimes he would kiss her in midsentence, as she told him everything she'd stored up while he was away.

And then the war was finally over, and Teddy was home for good. Little Margot was two, and the new baby, Clarissa, was almost one. Teddy took a job selling airplane parts for North American, and built a house in Hermosa Beach with a veteran's loan. When he couldn't stand the baby's crying, he pushed the bassinet out to the service porch and steered Yvette back to bed.

With a place of their own, they could invite people to it, and Yvette learned to cook for a houseful: John Wayne eggs and Bloody Marys for brunch. She made herself new dresses, and they had dancing right in the house. Cocktails started at five and the dancing went on till two or three in the morning, when Yvette would find herself singing "Those Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine."

Teddy didn't like to let her out of his sight, at the parties, but that was just because they'd spent so much time apart. Yvette was happy. Teddy stayed in the Reserves so he could fly once a month, and he loved those weekends in the planes. And the extra money was useful, with the girls growing out of their clothes as fast as Yvette could sew them.

Then Teddy was called to Korea, and they realized what a mistake the Reserves had been. At first Yvette thought it couldn't be true, that it must be a clerical error. Teddy had a family -- Margot was seven and Clarissa was six. Clarissa's face was a little mirror of his, and she watched him in the house, staring him down. When Teddy caught her at it, he laughed, and she laughed, too. Yvette couldn't believe the Marines would ask him to leave again. But it wasn't an error, and she took the girls to see him off on the train.

At the station, two of the young Marines were joking for the crowd, making sobbing faces out the train windows, saying, "No, don't take us, we don't want to go."

Clarissa started to cry. "Why are they taking them?" she demanded. "They don't want to go!"

Yvette said the men were joking and they did want to go, but Clarissa didn't understand. She threw herself on the floor of the Plymouth, wailing, and cried all the way home. Yvette was surprised at the passion of Clarissa's grief. She thought her daughter might make herself ill, screaming so hard on the floor of the car. She didn't have time to cry herself, she was so busy tending to Clarissa.

Being at home alone with two children was harder than being first married, when the other wives had all been waiting for their husbands, too. It was busier, but it was also lonelier. Yvette couldn't entertain alone, and she wasn't invited out. A woman alone was a liability, a wild card. She didn't know any women whose husbands were in Korea; they were all younger than she. When her only single friend, Rita, got married, Yvette couldn't go to the wedding, because it was in a Protestant church. Rita was hurt by Yvette's absence, and then she was another busy wife, and Yvette didn't see her anymore.

One day, while Teddy was still in Korea, Yvette took Margot and Clarissa to the beach. While the girls were playing in the water, a man came and sat beside her. She was ready to ask him to leave, but he was polite, and they talked about the girls, and she was hungry for talk. He said he was a photographer, and offered to take their picture for her husband; he said it was the least he could do for a man who was at war. So he came to the house, with a big flash umbrella and a camera on a tripod, and set up his equipment in the living room. Yvette made him a highball, and because the bottle of ginger ale was open, she made herself one, too. On an empty stomach it went right to her head. It was three in the afternoon on a Saturday, and she'd dressed the girls up for the picture, but the photographer wasn't in any hurry. He was clean-cut with clear green eyes and looked like he could have been a soldier himself, in khaki trousers and a pressed shirt. They talked about the situation in Korea, and he told an off-color joke about war brides. He asked for another drink and she made him one, but Clarissa stalked in and said she wasn't wearing nice clothes another minute, so the photographer arranged them on the sofa and started to fiddle with his flash.

Clarissa sat on the ottoman, and Margot stood behind, with her hands on her sister's shoulders. Clarissa hated to be touched by Margot, and her hair was coming out of its curls. Yvette pulled the hem of Clarissa's skirt to cover her knees. Margot smiled serenely at the camera, and nothing about her was out of place. Yvette felt like her own smile might look tipsy, so she pressed her hand against her lips to try to straighten her mouth without smearing her lipstick. Then they all smiled and got a big flash in the eyes.

The photographer took a few more pictures and said he thought he had it, but made no move to leave. He took up his drink, and Yvette let the girls go outside. She asked if he wouldn't take payment, though there was so little money, but he refused.

"A man with such a beautiful wife will want a remembrance of her," he said.

Yvette said nothing.

"Such pretty little girls, too," he said.

Yvette agreed that the children were sweet. Then the photographer grew serious.

"You are," he said, "the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

She laughed, and tried to shake the way the whiskey was keeping a smile on her face so she could frown and send him on his way.

"I work with models," he said, still serious. "I know beautiful women. But your beauty is a radiance, it comes from within."

She wanted to tell him the radiance was from the whiskey, but she was afraid she might seem flirtatious. She thought of her father, who hadn't allowed her mother to go shopping without taking Yvette with her, in case she might be meeting men somewhere. But there had been no wars for her father, just the Depression, and the family under a tighter rein in a smaller house. And here was Teddy gone again, and this strange man who wouldn't leave.

Yvette stood from her chair to show the photographer he should leave, and then he had an arm around her waist and his lips pressed against hers. He kissed her so hard that when she twisted free, his teeth cut her lip. She sent him away then, with his camera and his flash, and did what she'd never done as a hostess: closed the door on him before he was halfway down the walk. Then she opened it again to check for the girls, and saw the photographer, flushed and angry, get into his car and drive away.

She didn't know how to tell Teddy what had happened. She tried to put it in writing but it came out wrong, and she tore the letters to pieces and started again.

The photographer came back with his prints when Yvette was alone in the house, and she opened the door just a few inches. He acted like nothing had happened, but she was cool with him. She made him turn the envelope sideways to get it through the door. It seemed better to keep the pictures than to have them out in the world. All week she had blushed when she thought of them.

"I'll get you a check," she said, when he let go of his end of the envelope.

"I don't -- " he said.

She closed and locked the door, found her purse and fumbled it open, feeling her heart in her chest. Teddy's name was printed on the checks with hers. She had no idea how much to give the man. Ten dollars? She wrote the check for fifteen.

"I don't want a check," he said, when she opened the door again. He was standing in the same posture as before, a hand on the door frame to support himself. She thought he was trying to be casual, but his voice was angry, and he wouldn't look at the check she offered. "I wanted to do something nice for you, that's all," he said. "I just wanted to do something for you."


"Thank you," she said.

"I'm not a bad man," he said. "I thought we could have made each other's lives a little better, that's all. That doesn't happen very often, you know."

"I'm married," she said, and she started to close the door, but he put a hand flat against it from the outside.

"I want you to tell me something," he said. "Is it really because you're married, or is it me?"

She closed the door against the pressure of his hand, and locked it, and hung the chain. Her heart slowed as she leaned against the door. The fold of the envelope, when she opened it, was damp with the imprint of her fingers. They were good, big prints on heavy paper. The girls looked like themselves: Clarissa a mess and Margot a perfect little nun. Yvette had a wild smile on her face, her eyes too wide, but you might not notice if you didn't know she'd had a drink in the afternoon.

She didn't send the photographs to Teddy. She talked to him on the telephone when he was able to call, but she didn't tell him anything because the girls were in the room. There was no one else to tell. She had never made up with her family over their disapproval of Teddy. Her older sister, Adele, was unhappily married, and in Canada, too, and no help.

Weeks went by, and every night she lay thinking about the photographer's kiss and the blood on her lip in the mirror, and it occurred to her to go to confession. She hadn't been to Mass since Teddy left; it was too much trouble to get Clarissa into Sunday clothes. Now she thought if she could just say what had happened, she might feel better, so she went alone to a church in the city, where neither Teddy nor she would know the priest.

The smell was overwhelming, of candles and flowers and polished wood. It was the smell of every Sunday of her childhood, the old ladies speaking French to her, the priest speaking Latin, the sins she could think of: I talked back to my mother. I fought with my sister. I didn't clean my side of the room when I came home from school.

She said a little prayer outside the confessional, and then she went in, all the trumped-up sins of her childhood following her, and the little window slid open.

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned," she said. "It has been six months since my last confession." Six months was how long Teddy had been on this tour.

"What have you done, my child?" the voice said.

"I..." She realized she didn't know what she was going to say. It had to be a confession, not an accusation of the photographer. "I tempted a man," she said.

"In what way?"

"My husband is in Korea. A man came to take a photograph of my family, to send to my husband."

"And?" the priest asked, when she didn't go on.

"I had a drink with him in my house, with my children there in the middle of the afternoon, and then he kissed me."

"In front of your children?"

"The children were outside."

"Did he only kiss you?"

"He had his arms around me. I struggled, and he cut my lip with his teeth." It was beginning to sound like an accusation. "But I tempted him, Father," she said. "I flirted with him. I shouldn't have let him come."

"What did you do after he kissed you?"

"I sent him away."

"Right away?"

"Right away," she said.

"Have you told your husband?"

"I've tried to write a letter, but it sounds wrong, and I'm afraid my husband will misunderstand."

"Is your husband a jealous man?"

"I've never tested him." She thought of her father pulling her onto his lap, asking about her shopping trips with her mother. She always knew what her mother had bought, and had been in the departments before -- Kitchens and Linens and Hats -- so she could describe them to him, when she had really spent the whole day reading in the bookstore on the mezzanine.

"You're afraid you might test him now," the priest said.

"He's fighting for our country. And I've allowed a man to kiss me."

"But you struggled," the priest said. "You did what you could."

"Yes," she said, grateful. The weight of the last weeks lifted from her heart. It sounded like he would take her side.

"You were lucky the man didn't do more," he said.

"I know," she said happily, full of relief.

"You must tell your husband," the priest said, and the weight dropped on her heart again. "The sin of omission is as vile between husband and wife as it is between priest and confessor."

"Yes, Father." Her moment of hope had been foolish, selfish.

"Maybe it's not wise to have men in your house," he said.


"Say ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers, and say a prayer for me," he said.

She knelt in a front pew to do her penance. When she heard the priest come out of the confessional, she interrupted the Our Fathers to look at him over her shoulder. He was a tall man with a great girth, in Dominican robes, with black hair turning gray. She saw him look over the pews until ...
Revue de presse :
This remarkably assured debut novel ... creates an emotional resonance that lasts long after the last page. (Daily Mail)

Meloy has written an exquisite novel about the power of secrets -- and the redemption found in religion and love (Glamour)

Maile Meloy writes with both fearlessness and true compassion (Ann Patchett)

A spectacular first novel (New York Times)

A beautifully written story about ordinary American life that's anything but ordinary (Company Magazine)

A tale worthy of the Greeks... While there is plenty of feeling its pages, none of it crystallises into sentimentality. (Observer)

Wise, witty, and beautifully written ... a literary novel you don't want to put down (Helen Fielding)

Most multi-generational sagas are dull forays into sentimentalism, but in the aptly titled Liars and Saints, Meloy has written a corker (

An irresistable tale that will stay with you long after your tan has faded (Mail on Sunday)

Quiet, unastonished precision ... an impressive achievement (Philip Roth)

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurJohn Murray Publishers Ltd
  • Date d'édition2004
  • ISBN 10 0719566444
  • ISBN 13 9780719566448
  • ReliureRelié
  • Numéro d'édition1
  • Nombre de pages272
  • Evaluation vendeur

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Maile Meloy
Edité par John Murray (2004)
ISBN 10 : 0719566444 ISBN 13 : 9780719566448
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ISBN 10 : 0719566444 ISBN 13 : 9780719566448
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Meloy, Maile
Edité par John Murray, London (2004)
ISBN 10 : 0719566444 ISBN 13 : 9780719566448
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Description du livre Hardcover. Etat : Near Fine. Etat de la jaquette : Near Fine. First British Edition; First Printing. Brown cloth boards with gilt lettering to spine. Nice tight copy, no names or marks inside, appears unread. ; 260 pages; Half a century of American life, showing one family's disappointed expectations, seen through the eyes of a Catholic child. N° de réf. du vendeur 16727

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Meloy, Maile
Edité par John Murray (2004)
ISBN 10 : 0719566444 ISBN 13 : 9780719566448
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture rigide Quantité disponible : 1
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Cambridge Rare Books
(Cambridge, GLOUC, Royaume-Uni)
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Description du livre HARDCOVER. Etat : VERY GOOD. 2004-06-07. John Murray. Hardcover. VERY GOOD Illustrated DJ clean and intact, internally and externally good, pages clean, binding tight, foxing to page edges, shelf wear, 9' x 5.5'. N° de réf. du vendeur 2061376

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Maile Meloy
ISBN 10 : 0719566444 ISBN 13 : 9780719566448
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture rigide Edition originale Quantité disponible : 1
Vendeur :
Black Cat Hill Books
(Oregon City, OR, Etats-Unis)
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Description du livre Hardcover. Etat : Fine. Etat de la jaquette : Fine. 1st Edition UK; First Printing. First Edition UK (2004) ; so stated. First Printing Thus indicated by a complete numerical sequence. Very Near Fine in Fine DJ: The book shows only a single page miscut by the publisher so that it is shorter by about a 1/16" at the fore-edge and protrudes about a 1/64th of an inch at the bottom edge; else flawless; the binding is square and secure; the text is clean. Free of any creased or dog-eared pages in the text. Free of any underlining, hi-lighting or marginalia or marks in the text. Free of any ownership names, dates, addresses, notations, inscriptions, stamps, plates, or labels. A handsome, nearly-new copy, structurally sound and tightly bound, showing a single minor, unobtrusive imperfection. Bright and clean. Corners sharp. Very close to "As New". The DJ is flawless; the price is intact. Virtually 'As New'. NOT a Remainder, Book-Club, or Ex-Library. 8vo. (8.85 x 5.65 x 1.1 inches). Language: English. Weight: 16 ounces. Hardcover with DJ. With a matter-of-fact, curt style of writing, Maile Meloy succintly tells the story of four generations of a catholic family from California. Despite the brevity with which she writes the novel, Meloy still manages to explore the fears, thoughts, and emotions of her characters in an insightful and intelligent manner. By covering so many generations and telling the story from each person's perspective, she allows for the reader to gain an understanding of the overall dynamic between the characters. It is an extremely engaging, easy to read story that thoughtfully explores the lives of a superficially normal but deeply complex family. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 260 pages. N° de réf. du vendeur 58031

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MELOY Maile:
ISBN 10 : 0719566444 ISBN 13 : 9780719566448
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture rigide Edition originale Quantité disponible : 1
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(Shrewsbury, Royaume-Uni)
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Description du livre First UK edition, first print. Hardback. Book and dust jacket are in Fine condition. 260pp. Jacket fitted with a new removable clear cover. Securely packaged. N° de réf. du vendeur 35856

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